
When team Banham became 3

February 2017 when we found out team Banham was expanding from 2 to 3! It was the moment we’d been waiting for and the moment we knew our lives were going to change again for the better, the butterfly’s in my stomach had already arrived!

As the weeks passed by we were longing for that first scan appointment to see our little bundle of joy and her heart beat, something my husband had been anxious about for the last few weeks.

In March that day had arrived, we went into the room where our first baby scan was going to happen and it did. There it was her little heart beat beating away we could see every inch of her body and it was the moment out hearts felt so much love.

As the weeks passed by we got more and more excited about becoming a “mummy and daddy” and my tiny bump was slowly growing. After a few weeks of our antenatal appointments our second scan was just around the corner, we were excited to see our bundle of joy. There she was a healthy baby with a beating heartbeat.

The days were flying by and each week we were getting more and more excited knowing that soon she would be lay on my chest for the first time.

1 Comment

  1. mitchteemley says:

    So sorry to read about your loss.

    Liked by 1 person

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